Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sexual Health Sundays: Loree Erickson

Have you heard of Loree Erickson? If you haven't, it's high time you did. Loree is an artist, academic, and filmmaker whose film, Want, is all about increasing the amount of (to quote her Xtra West interview) "hot queer crip representation."
Disability is often linked with undesirability, being unwanted. I wanted to explore disability as desirability. People with disabilities have always been hot and desirable, but I wanted to put it into the cultural sphere. With Want, I was telling my sexual story.
-If you are in Montreal, go check out Want tomorrow (Monday) night, 7 pm, at the VAV gallery.
-Visit Acsexxxible collective

Loree Erickson's work raises a lot of great questions about porn's ability to be transformative and revolutionary. What do you think? Can porn serve as a vehicle for social justice? Have you ever been confronted with a pornographic work that completely destabilized your sense of self and the way you look at the world? (I definitely have-- thank you, Patrick Califia).

I think Loree Erickson is incredibly brave for putting herself out there so completely, and for doing social justice work on so many different fronts. Being a self-defined "queer femmegimp" means that Loree Erickson has to deal with a number of systemic barriers on a daily basis-- but that doesn't stop her from doing such important activist work. Thank you, Loree.

Have a great week,

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