Sexual assault doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It is a phenomenon born of our cultures. Sexual assault is influenced by gender identity, and it is also influenced by a multitude of other factors, things like race, like class, like dis/ability, like age. What myths have you heard about sexual assault? How many times have you read in the news about a survivor being discredited because of attacks on their moral character?
We still live in a world where a woman’s reputation is based on her so-called “sexual purity.” This is bullshit and it needs to change.
I want to live in a world where a woman can walk around the street naked at two in the morning and it will still be commonly understood that her body is her own and that no one has the right to hurt her, sexually or otherwise.
Sexual assault is not about sex. Rape is not sex.
Ask yourself this question: have you ever been on the receiving end of any unwanted act of a sexual nature?
Have you ever subjected someone else to such an action?
How do we build a world without sexual assault?
How do we heal?
Dec 6th Memorial
Fire with Water
How You Guys-- That's Right, You GUYS-- Can Prevent Rape
Blinders Off: Getting a Good Look at Abuse and Assault
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